7 Ways to Make Shit Happen

How I am Re-defining My Future

I’m re-defining my future.  I am committing to making shit happen. There I said it!

I’ve always wanted to make a career out of art but I have never taken any serious steps to put that dream in motion. Mostly out of fear but also in part to life circumstances. I haven’t been able to physically or mentally put in the work necessary until now but circumstances have changed and it’s game on. I have no more fear and I have plenty of time.Make Shit Happen, Goals, 7 Ways to Make Shit Happen

Getting to this point has been a process. I started putting my idea in motion a few months ago and it has only been in the last month or so that I became totally and completely committed. I am still in the beginning stages and have a LONG way to go but I’ve learned a few things about making shit happen in the process.

How am I making shit happen? How can YOU do the same?

  1. State it. Simple as that…if you don’t state it, it doesn’t exist. BUT you have to use the right words. “I want to start an art business” is MUCH different that “I will own and run my own art business.” In addition to stating it, write it down! This is your starting point.
  2. Believe it. This seems simple but might actually be one of the most difficult. Self-doubt can be a dream crusher. Believing in yourself is scary…what if you fail? What if you were wrong, you thought you could do it but you couldn’t? It took me almost 40 years to believe I could do something great but I believe it now. Am I afraid of failing? Absolutely. It is EMBARRASSING to fail. But I think it is more embarrassing to die without even trying. No one is coming to my funeral to talk about what I couldn’t do or about my failures.
  3. Share it. When you tell someone else about your plans, you establish some accountability on your part. Tell someone who is supportive yet someone who is going to keep it real for you. Build a small support system. BUT be picky with who you tell…protect your dreams and stay away from naysayers. My husband is my biggest supporter. I also have a handful of people who help encourage me, give me ideas, analyze my plan, and help me promote my business. 
  4. Define it.  This requires more thought and planning than just writing down an idea. Think about the details, what exactly are you planning to do? What is your goal? In my case, I know I want to own an art business but what does that really mean? I need to be more specific…I want to sell art, I want to do commission work, I want to eventually make enough money from my art to replace my current salary and quit my job. Again, write it down!
  5. Do it. Ideas, goals, dreams…none of them mean anything if you don’t take action to reach them. In most cases, it will take time. Be patient. But you can’t wait around for miracles to happen. It will take  focus, constant learning, self-motivation, and the desire to improve, learn and grow. Make a list, have a plan and some direction. Be persistent.  I have a binder full of ideas, lists, plans, and notes about where I’m going and how I’m going to get there. 
  6. Celebrate it. However small the successes, celebrate them and celebrate often. Giving yourself credit for progress will boost your self-esteem and help maintain motivation. For me, completing my first few commission projects was HUGE and I used some of the money I made to splurge on something for me. I also use my successes to keep me motivated. “If I can do……I can definitely do…..”
  7. Change it. Chances are you’ll need to make some adjustments a long the way. Maybe your plan has taken a different direction. Maybe you’ve hit a roadblock. It is important to have some flexibility, an open mind, and a plan A, B, C…so on. Right now I have a very specific direction I’d like to go but I’m constantly looking at other opportunities or alternative ways to reach my goal. Sometimes shit just doesn’t go as planned. Re-write and it move on!

7 Ways to Make Shit Happen, Make Shit Happen, Goals

I don’t have it all figured out but I do know what has worked for me so far. Maybe some, or all, of these help you reach your dreams. As always, I’d love to hear from you.

What steps do you take to reach your goals? How do you make things happen? How could your life change if you took a different approach? Leave a comment or share an idea.

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2 thoughts on “7 Ways to Make Shit Happen

  1. This is powerful!! Thank you for posting–timing seems SO right! I am wanting to take a leap…but it’s scary! The unknown is frightful, especially when our world of teaching is so defined for us…

    1. It is SO defined. And it is REALLY scary to make a move–glad you’re going to do it…my guess? A bakery?

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