Just Me

10 Diverse Children’s Books I Love

 10 Diverse Children's Books I Love Our family is diverse in many ways. We are blended, we’re not all blood related, we’re missing some pieces, and we all look different. I do my best to make sure that they confident young ladies who are proud of their differences. For that reason, I think it is important for them to see characters in books that look like them and I’m always[...]

A Lesson About Stories

A Lesson About Stories Telling Me Stories... My Grandpa Don is always teaching me something, showing me how to live life better. He doesn’t do that by teaching me lessons, per se,  he does it by telling me stories about his life. His stories span decades that many of us have only read about in history books. Born the year the stock market crashed; he was a Depression baby. To survive[...]

Making a To-Do List

Making A To Do ListI'm Finally Doing It... I'm making a "To-Do" list. I have been putting it off since August;  not sure why because I used to be tied and bound to these lists. Like I literally couldn't function without one. In fact, at the beginning of each school year (I teach high school) I looked forward to buying a brand new notebook where I'd keep said lists. Most[...]

10 African American Must Reads

10 African American Literature Must ReadsMy Attitude About Reading...I'm Obsessed, Passionate, Enthusiastic, and Consumed with reading I was excited to take an African American Literature class in college. I couldn't wait to devour the material. Not only obsessed with reading, as a history major I was also obsessed with, well...HISTORY. The class was the perfect combination.  Not what I expected... The professor was an older lady.  When I say older,[...]

10 Things I’ve Learned Teaching Zumba

1. Everyone can dance, even if it's just a step-tap.  It is RARE that someone new to Zumba doesn't mention how uncoordinated they are or how they can't dance.  Not everyone is has the gift of rhythm but damn near everyone can step tap and that, my friend, can get you through a Zumba class.  2. When you dance, you forget.  I'm for real about this! I have been teaching[...]

The Little Tin Boat That Would Not Sink

THE LITTLE TIN BOAT THAT WOULD NOT SINK It Came in Bits and Pieces... My Grandpa's first official story.  A story about high school graduation trip he took with a few friends, a trip to catch a few fish at Yellowstone Lake, a trip that nearly ended in disaster.  A story he told me via text over about a week and a haIf. If you didn't catch the prologue to this story,[...]

The First Installment

The First Installment... If you read my most recent post, The Time Traveler, you know that I just finished a colored pencil portrait of my 89 year old Grandpa Don.  It was a fantastically rewarding experience. I spent almost 50 hours on the drawing, focusing on every tiny detail of his face and through the process, a back and forth text relationship, which already existed on a small scale, totally flourished[...]

Mother’s Day

Dear Mom, As I stumble through “motherhood” for a second time, I find myself frequently reminiscing about my childhood and reflecting on the person I was, and the person I have become. Motherhood is DIFFICULT and FRUSTRATING and EXHAUSTING and I appreciate your efforts more now than ever. As a parent, I would not have wanted ME as a child. This Mother’s Day, I feel like I should apologize for[...]

Grandpa Don’s Box

  I received a gift mail last week from my Grandpa Don and have to share it with the world. My Grandpa is the most innovative and resourceful person I know. He can build anything. And if he doesn’t have the tools to build it, he’ll make them. His friends and family will tell you that he is…. truly one of a kind, no one in the world compares. The[...]

Trying Something New

8 Reasons to Try Something NewWhen was the last time you tried something new? I am talking about something big, a lifestyle change, a new activity,  something that forced you to step out of your comfort zone. Maybe it was something small or something big, but I am talking about something you NEVER tried before. I can think of many little things I've tried recently but one of the best[...]

15 Facts About Me

 15 Facts About MeI saw a post on Facebook recently in which you ask your significant other a bunch of questions to see how well they know you so I decided to give it a go with my husband Keith. He didn’t do to bad, better than I’d do if roles were reversed for sure! Keith’s Answers vs. My Answers 1. What is something I like: “Being with me” Me:[...]

Why I Draw

Why I draw... I was not a very creative child. I didn't spend a lot of time drawing or painting. I never really possessed a passion for art. I remember watching my dad, a phenomenal artist, draw and  paint but it wasn't something I did. In high school, I was inspired by a fabulous art teacher. I started taking as many art classes as I could. I joined the Advanced Placement[...]

The Williams Family is Complete

complete | kəmˈplēt | adjective having all the necessary or appropriate parts: a complete list of courses offered by the college | no wardrobe is complete this year without clothes. entire; full: I only managed one complete term at school. having run its full course; finished: the restoration of the chapel is complete. As 2017 comes to an end, my husband, Keith, and I have spent the last several weeks[...]

My Thanksgiving Must Haves

As I sit here the day before Thanksgiving thinking about the daunting task of food prep before me, I reflect on a conversation I had last night with a dear friend.  We were chatting about the holiday and he asked me what I was cooking for Thanksgiving. After rattling off the huge list of food I was planning to make for my small little family, he looked and me and[...]

Barely Breathing

In one of my first blogs, I wrote about how much my life had changed over the years and how, following several tragic circumstances,  I finally had time to breathe and make time to focus on myself. Almost two years later, I am back to the drawing board, life has changed again and finding time to breathe is a challenge. Prior to turning 40, I hadn't had many opportunities to[...]

Guess who’s BACK

It has been more than a year since I posted a blog but I'm BACK! I apologize for "disappearing" and have let you, and myself, down but I have been busy BEYOND belief. I feel like I've been on the grind nonstop, trying to MAKE art, trying to SELL art, trying to figure out HOW to sell art, trying to improve my social media presence...the list goes on. The difficult[...]

I can finally Breathe

A little Celebration... I posted my very first blog exactly one year ago today. One year ago, I made the commitment to approach life differently, to do what I enjoyed, to take a moment to just BREATHE and focus on me. It might not seem like a risky move but it was something I was afraid to do. Mostly I was afraid to fail, afraid I wouldn't be able to follow through,[...]

Winter Break Means Everything to Me

One of the best things about being a teacher is WINTER BREAK...TWO full weeks off in the middle of the year...it's almost impossible to find words that explain how much this means to teachers. Winter break means you're half-way to summer...the only thing better than winter break is SUMMER BREAK. I was looking forward to THIS winter break more than I have any others, at least in the last few[...]

Just Me…

Snagged this from a friend on Facebook... 1. Are you named after someone? I went home from the hospital and "female Jones" but was named Tawnya after a character on General Hospital shortly after 2. When is the last time you cried? When I was talking to my Aunt Kamie on Facetime last Saturday...but only just a few tears 3. Do you like your handwriting? Only if I'm using a gel[...]

Writing Down Your Goals–Summer 2016

Goals of Summers Past At the beginning of summer I always have a list of goals I want to accomplish before the school year starts again the fall. Boring and predictable, the list usually looks something like this... Clean my car Plant flowers Spray weeds Make a doctor appointment Read Meet with friends Draw Organize my closets and drawers Take naps Clean the garage and have a yard sale Organize[...]

To My High School Self–A letter of Advice

This year marks my 25 year high school reunion. For some reason, I have thought more about my high school experience this year than I have in previous years.  I appreciate how the choices I've made throughout my life have shaped me into the person I am today but as I think about the person I was in high school, I realize there are somethings I could have done differently. I didn't[...]

Overcoming Adversity

Good Grades Aren't Everything My 10th year of teaching is coming to a close and the 2015-2016 school year is almost over. This is an exciting time of year, especially the for seniors. The door to childhood closes as they graduate and we let them loose into the world as adults. There is a lot of celebrating and congratulating. AND, we're all very happy to see summer arrive. And there is a lot to[...]

Things DO happen for a reason…

Just not always a GOOD reason... I don't mean to sound pessimistic but I cringe every time I hear it, someone just trying to be supportive, trying to make me feel better, trying to help explain away the unexplainable... "Everything happens for a reason."  As if simply saying it puts a positive spin on the situation. "Why yes", I want to reply. "Things do happen for a reason but sometimes[...]

Putting Things Into Perspective

I worry...sometimes a lot but less than I used to. In order to manage, I spend a lot of time trying to focus on what is really important, what I can change and what I can't. Basically putting things into perspective. BUT, sometimes it is difficult. Recently I seem to worry more about little things rather than big things. I find it is easier to change my perspective about things[...]

You can learn a lot from a person’s playlist

I am not musically gifted...I cannot sing, I cannot play any instruments, I cannot even hum a tune--BUT music is part of who I am and is woven into everything I do. I can't imagine going a day without it. I already shared with you some of my favorite music the post 25 random facts . The type of music I listen to varies depending on the day and depending on the[...]

10 Things I Wish I Knew 20 Years Ago

I believe forward thinking is important and that it is not productive to dwell on the past. That being said, I do think it is important to reflect on the past. Thinking about the current status of my life--- thinking about how I finally decided to move forward with out looking back--- I thought I'd share with you, 10 things I wish I would have known 20 years ago. Some of them are major[...]

The Most Ridiculously Delicious Spaghetti Ever

One Inmate's Legacy   Would you love to have most authentic, delicious Italian spaghetti recipe ever? I suspect you might. Even if you have a favorite recipe already, it never hurts to try new things right? Last week as I was making a huge batch of spaghetti, I thought to myself...why not share it on the blog? My blog is not merely a place to share my story and my art,[...]

10 Truths About Losing Your Hair to Cancer

I lost my hair only a few weeks after starting my first chemotherapy treatment. Before starting treatment, my doctors gave me a pamphlet describing all the possible side effects. The one thing I was most concerned about was losing my hair...I don't remember asking about anything else... being only 20 I was more terrified of looking like a freak than I was of being sick. The doctors couldn't confirm one[...]

My gratitude list makeover

I recently read through an old gratitude journal and I must tell you...NOT VERY IMPRESSIVE. Generally speaking, the lists all looked a little something like this... I'm thankful for flowers I'm thankful for family I'm thankful for books I'm thankful for my wonderful daughter I'm thankful for....my health... good food...a job...you get the idea Although every entry on every list was worthy of gratitude, in reading them years later, they seem[...]

I want to be…(dare I say it?)…a WRITER

Did I just say that I wanted to be a writer? I did... I really did and now it's out there for the world to see... I'm really not sure what being a writer means I just know that I plan to write.  Many years ago, during my battle with cancer that I told you about in an earlier post, I remember my Great Aunt Diana telling me I should write a book about[...]