Trying Something New

8 Reasons to Try Something New

When was the last time you tried something new?

I am talking about something big, a lifestyle change, a new activity,  something that forced you to step out of your comfort zone. Maybe it was something small or something big, but I am talking about something you NEVER tried before.

I can think of many little things I've tried recently but one of the best for me was something I decided to try several years ago.  My husband, Keith, has loved the game of golf for YEARS but I could never wrap my brain around the appeal. Golf looked so BORING and so DIFFICULT. But a few years ago, during a brief child free period in our lives, I decided to join Keith on the course. I wasn't going to play of course, just ride around on the cart while sipping an adult beverage. A good way to spend some quality time with the spouse.

I enjoyed that season. The serenity, the sunshine, the calm on the course. A smidgen of interest was developing. Following a season of rollin' on the cart, Keith convinced me to give it a go. It was exactly 3 years ago TODAY that I took my first golf lesson.  And I just bought a brand new set of clubs  YESTERDAY.

I never thought I would say this but I have developed a love for the game. I love the mental and physical challenge, I love the feeling of success, I love the peaceful atmosphere on the course and I love the quality time with Keith. I believe that by stepping out of my comfort zone and by trying something new, I have improved my quality of life. I am also convinced that challenging myself to learn something new, I have added years to my life.

Why it's important to try new things

1.Trying something new provides you with the chance to ENJOY something new.

Playing golf has helped me put myself as a priority and focus on doing something I enjoy that is just for myself. 

2. It helps improve your self-confidence.

The night before my first golf lesson, I dreamt I couldn't hit the ball AT ALL. I woke up multiple times, worried about the next day. That continued to happen everytime I knew I'd be golfing the next day. With more practice, my confidence has increased and the anxiety has subsided. 

3. It keeps you from getting bored.

There is so much to learn and so much to master, I'll never get bored with the game. 

4. It teaches you that you are capable. 

Because my successes have been few and far between, I have learned to appreciate every milestone. Each one encourages me to try again. 

5. It can be humbling.

I realize that I don't have to be the best at something, or in this case, even very good. It's hard but I accept it. 

6. You might discover hidden talents.

Not the case for my golf game but still a great incentive.

7. It can build courage.

I'm afraid of failure, as many of us are. I don't like to look like I don't know what I'm doing. I worry a lot. I was afraid to try golf because I might fail. I now realize that golf is a game of ups and downs, lots of failures but many successes as well.   

8. It can open up new opportunities to both personal and professional.

Picking up the game of golf has allowed me to connect with new people and has made me a better conversationalist.   And the biggest perk...more quality time with the spouse!

The only regret I have with the game of golf is that I didn't try it sooner. I have missed out on years of opportunity to learn something new. I have missed out on time I could have been spending with my husband sharing something he enjoys. I do not, for a minute, regret stepping out of my comfort zone to try something I had never done before. I'd like to challenge YOU to try something NEW. It might be something you end up loving or something you hate but what I can guarantee is that you will have become a better person for trying. 

Accept the challenge? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below. 

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